Persons suffering from Health Anxiety (also known as Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder) obsess about already having or acquiring a serious
illness. They are constantly checking their bodies for symptoms and worry if
they notice something, it is a sign of significant illness. The more they check,
the more they notice, and their perception of the symptoms increases. They
are easily alarmed and frequently ask others for reassurance. They frequently
go to doctors for tests and reassurance. However, even when medical tests come
up negative, they frequently worry that the doctor missed something and are not
reassured. They may worry obsessively about a specific medical condition and
avoid situations they feel are a health risk.
Some people with OCD have contamination fears and obsess about getting
sick. They do rituals like washing their hands, that in the short term decrease
anxiety and obsessions, but in the long term produce an increase.
People with Health Anxiety obsess about being sick or acquiring an
illness and also do rituals. Their rituals are asking for reassurance,
checking for bodily symptoms, and going to the doctor and getting medical
tests. Just as with OCD, these rituals produce immediate and momentary
reductions in obsessions and anxiety, but in the long term produce an increase.
Exposure and response prevention and other OCD treatments are also used to treat
health anxiety.
Wartel Behavioral Services, P. C. 6346 Orchard Lake Rd., Suite 107 West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322 Phone: (248) 626-1330 Fax: (248) 626-9170 E-mail: